Welcome to uncontrol, a tribute to Zen, the main character of Aya Kanno's two volume manga Blank Slate. As the worst criminal in the history of Galay, Zen leaves a trail of destruction behind him wherever he goes, his past a mystery even to himself. If you've never heard of the series (which is quite likely), you can find out more information about it in the spoiler-free introduction; please be aware that there are unmarked spoilers in the rest of the site. Enjoy your stay!
introduction | an introduction to blank slate |
identity | guided by base desires |
static | continuing on the same path |
humanity | just another human weapon |
tabula rasa | born evil or made evil |
russo | hoping to be controlled |
rian | breaking from the cage |
colonel | keep yourself alive and we'll meet again |
hakka | i will set you free |
control | refuses to be controlled by anyone |
site info | about this site |
links | visit related sites |
last updated 3 march 2016 ∗ guestbook
listed at amassment & emotion ∗ part of redcrown.net
Blank Slate © Aya Kanno. No infringement intended.
uncontrol © Larissa, 2011-2025.